February 11

Chapter 7 Strategies (Strategies for Analysis and Strategies for Knowledge Utilization)

Well, this will be the last post for this book study. I really hope that you have found this resource useful! I know that I have been enjoying it and our conversations around the topics. It has been wonderful having so many people joining in the discussions 🙂 I decided to do the last 2 sets of strategies together as there are only a couple of strategies in each one.


Strategies for Analysis:

31 Web It- Everyone knows how useful a web can be. It is useful for accessing prior knowledge, knoweldge learned, and setting up for a presentation, an essay or other written activity. Another great thing about a web is that the topic is variable and the amount of information that goes onto the web is personal.


32 Collect It- What a great strategy for having a student represent different topics! Being able to show the different concrete items related to a topic would be very meaningful. Having a sentence or two of information added to the display would make it even more interesting.


35 Compare It and Contrast It- Venn diagrams can be tricky for students, but with a little support and lots of practice, they can be excellent ways to show similarities and differences about a couple of topics. The information that goes into the Venn diagram can be level appropriate, even if the topics are the same for all students. Venn diagrams are definitely an easy way to adapt an assignment!


37 Edit It- This strategy would be useful for all students! Varying the level of difficulty could be as simple as some kids simply circling the errors while others have to write the correction above and others still have to re-write the text with the corrections made. This could be done to support peer editing, editing personal work or even just sample editing practice to support the learning of spelling, punctuation usage, etc. Super simple!


Strategies for Knowledge Utilization

38 Judge It for Yourself- The Judge It for Yourself graphic could be used in numerous different situations. STEM Project reflections, Social siuation problem solving, lit circles problem analysis and I am sure many more! You could easily change the “What did you do?” to include the name of a character in a story, keep “Then what happened” and change the “Would you do it again?” to something like “What could they have done differently?” or “What would you do in their situation?” etc. This could also be done using pictures rather than written statements. So many different uses!


39 Investigate It- The Investigate It strategy is great for students learning to research and write reports. It lays out the information nicely, allowing students to find the necessary information by answering some simple questions. It would be easy enough to make the questions more specific or vague, depending on the level of the student.


40 Predict It-This strategy is intended to have students make connections between what they already know and what they have learned. They can then use this information to predict what might happen in the future. This could be useful in science when doing similar experiments, in language arts, when exploring similar texts, even in artwhen exploring mixing of colours or examining different art techniques. It encourages students to use their critical thinking skills and dive deeper into the topics as they are making these predictions.


The strategies that Nicole Eredics has laid out for us in this book have been wonderful! I have enjoyed learning about/revisiting them over the course of this book study! I am going to have many different strategies to support my colleagues with and use in my own groups!  I really hope that you, too, have enjoyed this book and the strategies within it. Feel free to add any of the ways you have used the strategies over the course of trying them out. We would love to hear about it! If you have found one or two of them to be praticularly useful and have a good story to go along with it, consider entering a short blurb into our publication to share with our members!


Thank you all again for your participation! I have once again enjoyed the book and the wonderful conversations evoked by it! I look forward to the next one! If you have any book suggestions, please do not hesitate to let me know! I am always looking for ideas 🙂 Remember to also join us at the book study luncheon at Crosscurrents!



February 4

Chapter 7 Strategies (Strategies for Comprehension)

Sorry that I am late with this post! My Mom came out for a visit (I haven’t seen her since the summer) and I chose to visit rather than write a post!

Here are some of the Strategies for Comprehension that I found to fit into my teaching (although I hav enot used them yet, I think that they will be good ones :))


Strategy 20- Read It: This strategy looks interesting. I like how they added the page with the visuals for the main vocabulary words. I noticed that the text is simpler and does not contain all of the vocabulary words. A student could then highlight the phrase that best describes the vocabulary word using different colours for each word.


Strategy 21- Sequence It: I have never used sequencing for numeracy (not in this way anyways!) This is such an interesting concept to me. You could also have visuals to support the story and have a child sequence the parts of the story. This could have varying difficulties- someone might sequence 3 events (beginning, middle, end) while abother student sequences more in depth and has 5 or 6 events to sequence.


Strategy 22- Make It: I love this strategy and am using it with one student that I have been working with. She is learning about different topics of interest (tigers, robots, octopuses) and has created a diorama of the tiger, a recycled model of a robot and is now sewing an octopus stuffie. On top of this, she has been researching the topics using Google Read and Write and has created short “essays” with her new knowledge. So much fun!


Strategy 26-Cloze It: This strategy is great for sight words, vocabulary and even recalling texts. You can vary the difficulty of this activity as well by adding a word bank or a first letter to aid the students in finding the correct answers. It can also be made a bit more difficult by removing the word bank and having them pick out key details from the text. The hard part with this, is that some kids will be excellent at finding the necessary information and just filling in the blanks but not actually reading the text, so ensuring that thetext is read first might help solve that problem.


Strategy 29- Note It: I like how this strategy helps to synthesize the information about a topic into small, manageable chunks. Students could work with a partner to determine some of the key ideas about the topic. Some of the ideas could be highlighted within the text for the student to search out and record. They may even draw some of the key ideas about the topic, if that is more suitable to their needs. This could also be done using a speech to text software, such as Google Read and Write.


Strategy 30- Report It: The graphic organizer for this strategy would help students organize a story, or could be modified to allow them to do research on a specific topic. It is not too overwhelming, only requiring small amounts of information at a time. For those students who are able, it could then be turned further into a written essay-type piece, or handed in as is for those students where essay writing is not an option.


How would you use these strategies? Which ones are your favourite? Any further suggestions on how to make them better/modify them for your own use?


Until next week, when we look at the Strategies for Analysis!



January 28

Chapter 7- The Strategies (Strategies for Knowledge Retrieval)

I am not really sure how to go about this chapter, so I think that I will just pick through some of the strategies and say how I might use them with my students, or suggest them to classroom teachers to use with some of their students.

Strategy 2- Find It:

I like this strategy and could see it used in many different ways. It could be used in math- find different numbers, novel studies- find sight words/vocabulary words, spelling words-finding vowel patterns/letter combinations like digraphs, double letters, blends


Strategy  3- Cross It Out:

I have used this super quick strategy for changing a worksheet for a student. I used it on a multiplication sheet where the student was expected to do double digit x double digit multiplication. I simply crossed out the tens digits, making it a basic facts sheet. It can be done with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In spelling, if you are doing something with different endings, crossing that piece out might be applicable- the same could be done with prefixes.


Strategy 6- Who, When, and Where Is It?

This would be an excellent way for students to be able to participate in novel studies with their peers. A simple graphic organizer to support the learning of characters and settings. It could likely be used in a Social Studies/History class to identify key events such as WWI.


Strategy 8- Highlight It:

Another easy adaptation for students reading below grade level. It could be done by the teacher in advance or together with an EA or a peer. Great way for students to learn how to summarize and pick out key pieces of information in a passage to answerspecific questions.


Strategy 9- Spell It:

This is a strategy I never would have thought about doing! Such a great way to give the students the same work, with more appropriate words. After practicing these words throughout the week, the test could be that the student needs to find and highlight their word within the spelling word given.


Strategy 13- List It:

I can see this strategy being used in any subject really- science, math (geometry, number sense, etc), language arts, social studies- any subject/lesson that requires students to sort between different concepts. The graphic organizer for this is not necessary or could be changed for your specific needs. To make it easier, it could have 1 column, for a bit more difficulty, you could add a third or fourth column (if the content allows).


Strategy 15- Show It:

This strategy would be great for students with an artistic side.


Strategy 16- Follow It:

I have done this with various math concepts- I made posters for in my classroom on the steps for multi-digit multiplication and long division. I have also had index cards outlining the steps for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. My students loved these visuals.


Strategy 18- Choose It:

This strategy is great for helping students who are not reading at grade level. Finding the answers when the correct answer is right in front of you takes some pressure off. It could be done on any assignment- not quite multiple choice, but still giving an opportunity for success. In fact, when multiple choice is given on a test, it could be limited to 2 choices as well.



I will check out the next section of strategies- strategies for comprehension- next week.


What are some of the strategies that pop out for you?

Have you used any of these strategies?

What are your impression of these strategies so far? Would you/have you recommended them to your colleagues?







January 14

Chapter 6-Reasearch-Based Curriculum Modifications For Inclusion

This chapter was quite short and I believe that it is really trying to set-up Chapter 7, where some strategies are outlined.


The one key topic that I took from this chapter is that students who require additional supports to access learning should not be limited to low-level thinking type questions. Their brains are also capable of, and should be encouraged to use, higher-order thinking. The revised curriculum is all about critical thinking, creativity and communicating our learning. Students with special needs are not excluded from this, nor should they be! They, too, need opportunities to show off their higher-order thinking skills. That is what sets us apart from other animals on this planet is it not? Let’s not limit the abilities of some of children just because they are not able to access the curriculum at the same level as their peers.

What are your thoughts on this chapter? What stood out for you?


Chapter 17 begins with an introduction, then moves into the strategies. I would like to go through the strategies looking at the first 20, showcasing our favourites and then the last 20 doing the same thing. Thoughts?? Should we look at 10 at a time and do them weekly?

December 31

Chapter 5-Making Curriculum Achievable Through Modifications

This chapter did an excellent job of outlining the difference between modifications and accomodations. I love, near the end of the chapter, where the author discussesthe progressions of an inclusive lesson format from most inclusive to least inclusive (although she does not get that far, only outlining 3 of the 5 levels in Fig. 5.5 on page 53).


When I look at my school and, more specifically, my students with the highest needs, I wonder how we are doing with the inclusion of these few students. Based on this chapter, I would probably give our school a failing grade. Our student with CP, although in the classroom for a majority of the day, is not working on the same curriculum. Sure she is doing language arts when the rest of the class does language arts, but she is not working on the same concepts/topics, even with modifications. Another student, who has just recently been diagnosed with FASD and a mild intellectual impairment, is now working solely in my classroom, with the exception of “special” classes in which she can participate fully, like gym, art, culture, library, etc. This is because her classroom teacher is not modifying the curriculum to a place where she can be included, except in Social Studies, when our First Nations Support Worker is teaching the lessons and having the Classroom Teacher sit with this student to support her during the lesson and activity.


How can we change this failing grade? Ideally, I would clone myself so that I would be able to sit down with the teachers of these two students and plan lessons together that would allow these two lovely girls to be fully included. But since this is not yet possible (and I’m not sure I would want another me!) I need to figure out another way to make this happen. Even if it is for just one subject and one unit!


I am looking forward to exploring the remaining chapters, and getting into the strategies to support this move for my students. I know that they deserve the best education, the same quality of education as their peers. It is my job to be their support to ensure that this happens!


When you look at your school/class,what grade would you give to the inclusivity of it? How could you improve it?

Do you have any suggestions for the rest of us that do not have a passing grade in this area?

December 17

Chapter 4- Making Curriculum Accessible Through Instructional Strategies and Accommodations

Wow! That was a long title!

UDL, RTI, Accommodations- this chapter gives a good overview of these three topics. I also loved the example given about a lesson that used UDL- the rock lesson. Oh how I wish every teacher taught in this way! It is so difficult to change the way teachers teach, especially when they typically do not attend Professional Development Sessionsto help improve their teaching techniques. Strictly paper/pencil tasks is just not supportive of all student needs.


In my district, we use the RTI model of 3-tiered instructional supports. It is how we structure the additional supports in our school. This year, we have a significant number of emotionally/behaviourally needy students in our primary classes- one student who is quite violent, one student who is a flight risk, another student who is both violent and a flight risk and a fourth student who is a risk to himself. Due to this, we have placed a large amount of support into these classrooms. Unfortunately, this leaves some of our other students in the intermediate wing less supported. How I wish our school and mostly, our district were funded adequately so that we were better able to meet the needs of our students.


Accommodations/adaptations is an area that is a real struggle for some of my colleagues to understand. They often get it and modifications mixed up. I really like the list that they have placed at the end of this chapter. Some of these I often forget to include on my IEPs, so it will be great to utilize this book when writing them next time.


Does your school/district use the RTI model of instructional support?

Is UDL being used effectively in your school? Do you, like me, have colleagues who are not utilizing this method for including all students, giving them all access to the curriculum?

Do you have any accommodations that are not on the list but might be helpful to others in the group?

December 3

Chapter 3-Supporting Inclusion in the Classroom

Supporting inclusion in the classroom is super important.  It can be done in numerous ways- with the support of other teachers, paraprofessionals, family volunteers and peers. Having the ability to collaborate with another teacher would be absolutely wonderful-seemingly a pipedream in my school. There are so many opportunities that are missed because we do not have ample time to collaborate with each other.


The EAs in my school are scheduled into classes and then either given information and a program by me or the classroom teacher. Again, we do not have much time to collaborate, as they are scheduled from 9-3 and very rarely do they stick around outside those hours. They also do not attend the staff meetings, making it even more difficult for them to get the needed information.


Social-emotional development seems to be a much needed piece in our system today. We are seeing huge numbers of students coming without manners or knowing how to interact with their peers.


Does your school have opportunities to collaborate with each other on a regular basis? How is this scheduled?

What do you notice about the social emotional development of your students- have they changed over the years?




November 19

Chapter 2-Supporting Inclusion Schoolwide

This chapter goes through the roles and responsibilities of all of the key players in an inclusive school. From administrators to custodians and bus drivers, we all have important roles in our schools.


Administrators have probably the most important job within an inclusive school. Obviously they are in charge of the every day functioning of the school, but they are also in charge of supporting the teachers and students through the inclusion model. Administrators need to ensure that everyone in the school are providing students with educational experiences that are equal and diverse in nature. These experiences need to be engaging for all students and ensure that all students are learning what they need to learn. Administrators also need to ensure that teachers and support staff have opportunities to collaborate with each other in order to provide the very best programs for all.


Specialized Support Staff, including speech and language pathologist, occupational therapists, counsellors, and others (I would put the Learning Support Teachers, Resource Teachers and Integration Support Teachers in this category as well), also have important jobs within the inclusive schools. They must work very closely with the classroom teachers to help create and provide the supports necessay to ensure all students have access to the curriculum in a meaningful way. These specialized support staff also work closely with the paraprofessionals in guiding them on how to work with  and supportthe students with higher needs.


The remaining staff members, the custodians, bus drivers, maintenance staff and those who do not have an active “teaching-type” role are alos important in the inclusive school. This year, I have one of our bus drivers as a partner on an IEP goal-she is to help remind one of our students about her daily agenda, ensure that it goes home at the end of the day and comes back in the mornings. Since the bus driver is the last person who sees my student in the evenings and the first person to see her in the morning, what better way to make sure that this small piece of information is brought everyday?


All of these people are serve the improtant roles of making the school community one of safety, full of caring individuals who all care about student learning. We all must ensure that our language is clear, that our schedules are supportive of all students and that we have regular events, which again, include all students.


Mission statements discuss the school’s values and beliefs. They should be very clear and embody the school culture within them. One thing I know about our school’s mission statement is that it is very long and, although it embodies our values and beliefs, I wonder if there is abetter way to say the same thing?

What is the culture of your school? Do you have a mission statement? Does it fit with your school?

November 5

Chapter 1-Preparing for Inclusion

This chapter begins with a history of inclusive education from its very beginning, the complete segregation of students to the way things are in current days. Although this is an American history, there was a similar sequence here in British Columbia. In fact, British Columbia was cited as ahead of the game in this book. Yay British Columbians for the forward thinking!

According to Hall, inclusion means “Full membership of an age-appropriate class in your local school doing the same lessons as other pupils and it mattering if you are not there. Plus you have friends who spend time with you outside of school.” (page 6) We all know that every child, regardless of their abilities, are capable of learning and everyone deserves to learn with their peers in the general education classroom, with the appropriate supports. Inclusion requires that everyone, regardless of their abilities, has access to an engaging, rich and supportive educational experience.


There are many examples of people with disabilities who have been very successful in their lives. People such as Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Temple Grandin, and, more recently, Zack Anners have all done very well for themselves, and the rest of the world, through their accomplishments, in spite of their disabilities. This just goes to show, once again, that with equitable education, all children can do great things if given the opportunity to shine.


There are many benefits to inclusion. Emotional, academic, and social benefits occur for both children with disabilities and their peers. Inclusion allows children with disabilities to feel a sense of belonging, the ability to make and maintain friendships and the ability to increase their academic competence. It also allows children without disabilities to learn empathy, and increase their academic competence, among many other things.


“There is only one criterion required for being included: breathing.” (page 9)  Wow! That is powerful! Now, how do we do this effectively? I guess one response would be to continue reading through this book!


How does your idea of inclusion fit with the information given in this chapter?

October 13

Inclusion in Action

Welcome to another TIE-BC Book Study!

This year, I have chosen the book “Inclusion in Action” by Nicole Eredics. Although she is currently an American author, she is Canadian born (I think even from BC, although it wasn’t actually stated) and brings a lot of information and examples from BC. With thins in mind, it is also important to note that this book is not very “American” in it’s information. Everything is equally beneficial around the world and strategies are universal!


I am hopeful that you find this book easy to read and full of ideas to support your teaching or that of your colleagues!


Happy Reading!
