July 22

Inclusion in Actions: 2018-2019 Book Study

A huge welcome to all of the members joining us for the 2018-2019 TIE-BC Book Study. This year, I have chosen the book “Inclusion in Action- Practical Strategies to Modify Your Curriculum” by Nicole Eredics.

I chose this book after participating in a webinar done by Nicole Eredics, the author. I found the webinar to be very insipiring and when I found out she had a book coming out later in the year, I pre-ordered my copy! Nicole Eredics also hosts a blog called The inclusive Class http://www.theinclusiveclass.com/ which also has many helpful tips and strategies.

I felt as though this book would be beneficial to all TIE-BC Members, whether in elementary, middle or secondary schools. It provides many (40!) different strategies to adapt curriculum for a variety of learners.  I hope you all find it to be an invaluable resource!

I will post about a new chapter every other week, beginning on November 5th. We will take a more in-depth look at the strategies once we get there.

I look forward to working with you all through this book study!

Happy Reading!