January 14

Chapter 6-Reasearch-Based Curriculum Modifications For Inclusion

This chapter was quite short and I believe that it is really trying to set-up Chapter 7, where some strategies are outlined.


The one key topic that I took from this chapter is that students who require additional supports to access learning should not be limited to low-level thinking type questions. Their brains are also capable of, and should be encouraged to use, higher-order thinking. The revised curriculum is all about critical thinking, creativity and communicating our learning. Students with special needs are not excluded from this, nor should they be! They, too, need opportunities to show off their higher-order thinking skills. That is what sets us apart from other animals on this planet is it not? Let’s not limit the abilities of some of children just because they are not able to access the curriculum at the same level as their peers.

What are your thoughts on this chapter? What stood out for you?


Chapter 17 begins with an introduction, then moves into the strategies. I would like to go through the strategies looking at the first 20, showcasing our favourites and then the last 20 doing the same thing. Thoughts?? Should we look at 10 at a time and do them weekly?

Posted January 14, 2019 by tiebcmembers in category Inclusion in Action

7 thoughts on “Chapter 6-Reasearch-Based Curriculum Modifications For Inclusion

  1. Katherine Tevaarwerk

    Hi everyone. I am just joining the discussion now, as my book arrived very late. I really like all the concrete strategies that are presented. I immediately wanted to group them into different ability levels (i.e. what would be best for a non-reader, what would be best for students who need support with writing activities, which of these activities would probably require EA support as well etc.)

    1. tiebcmembers (Post author)

      We are so glad you are able to join us! Feel free to post on past posts as you read through the chapters 🙂

    2. Nicole Eredics

      Hi Katherine – that is a great idea! Now you’ve got me thinking about ways I can extend the book 🙂 Thanks for your feedback!

  2. Carla Lowther

    Pg. 59 mentions ‘productive struggle’ and John Dewey, a person well known in education history. I agree that ‘productive struggle’ is an issue in every day life for most people. “How am I getting to work today?” “Do I shovel snow now or wait until it stops snowing?” Every day things that everyone goes through, not just those of us in the education field as either educators or students. My concern is two-fold. 1. Some students have no skills to engage in ‘productive struggle’. They want/need/are used to getting instant gratification in all aspects of their lives so they do not understand how or why something might not be successful the first time they attempt it. How do educators help these students? Many have developed strategies such as violent outbursts when this occurs? 2. While I always want my students to be challenged, I really struggle with know just how far to let my students who are coded or who I know should be coded/are struggling without an official diagnosis engage in ‘productive struggle’. I do not want to just make their lives easy by making things so simple for them that they just get the answers given to them, but nor do I want them to struggle extensively. How do I know where/when the correct point is for me to intervene?

    1. tiebcmembers (Post author)

      These are excellent questions Carla and although I do not have all the answers, I can give you what I think/believe 🙂

      1. I would teach my students about growth mindset. It really helps them to realize that it is OK to struggle- that means your brain is growing- and using that kind of language with the kids. I am really seeing this at work in a gr. 3/4 class at my school. One of the teacher is doing a growth mindset block once a week and watching the kids grow and blossom with this language is so powerful. My own child, who is in this class, has gone from feeling like he can’t do math- shutting down when there was paper and pencil work to be done- to requesting more from me at home. Another student has quieted his negative self-talk and is now saying that he can do it if he just keeps trying. There are less negative responses from some-not all- of the kids and I believe that the others just need more time and exposure to the language of growth mindset.

      2. I don’t think there is an exact right amount of struggle. I would suggest that if you see frustration beginning to settle in, coming over and giving a “have you thought of this?” might help. I think it really depends on the child and their overall tolerance levels. Trying to build those levels up by being encouraging and offering just the right amount of help at the right time will be beneficial…but knowing that will take some practice on our part too!

  3. Heather

    I’ve been grappling with the new curriculum and how to adapt and modify it to suit the needs of our students. I’m often amazed by the deeper thinking that some of my higher needs students demonstrate. including our students who need more support in the classroom has “profound benefits”. The key is to determine the student’s tolerance level and then change the curriculum and environment to fit with the student. This is something that I am continually working on refining. I look forward to reading the strategies.

    1. Nicole Eredics

      Excellent point, Heather! We shouldn’t be thinking about ways to make the student fit into the system but how the system can work for the student.


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